Essential Kitchen Cabinet Hardware - Wineglass Rack

What do you think of when you think of kitchen cabinet hardware that you need to have? Chances are you limit yourself to just the things that are used on the cabinets themselves such as handles, knobs, etc. But hardware can be a little more grand than this. In this article were going to take a look at a piece of kitchen cabinet hardware that every home should have. We're talking about a wine glass rack.

Console Glass Table

There are a couple of kinds of wineglass racks that you can choose from. The most common style is one that will fit under the bottom of one of your kitchen cabinets. It will have a series of slots that you can slide the base of your wine glasses into so they're always waiting and ready when you want to serve up a bottle of red or a bottle of white. These pieces of under cabinet hardware can usually be installed in just a few minutes and be ready to serve up your guests.

Console Glass Table

Another kind of wine glass rack is a little bigger and more extravagant. This type of rack could also fit under your cabinets but also may be attached to a wall alongside the cabinets. In this rack not only is there space for your glasses to hang but also there is usually some room for bottles to fit into the holder as well. Putting one of these in can take a little bit longer than some of the other options because quite often they have to be assembled before they can be installed.

So you might be wondering why it is these are considered essential pieces of cabinet hardware. Well there are a couple reasons. First by hanging a wine glass rack set up somewhere in your kitchen, you're going to open up more space on the shelves of your kitchen for other items you need to put away. If you're like most people, there's never enough shelf space and this will be a much appreciated offering.

Additionally, there is something aesthetically pleasing about a home that has a wine glass rack. In many cases, just this simple addition of a wine glass rack or one that will hold your wine bottles as well, can make the whole kitchen area fancier and feel a little more expensive and exclusive.

Besides,if you are a wine drinker, why wouldn't you want to have a glass nearby so that you don't have to miss a beat in the conversation when you want to pop a top to enjoy a sip with family and friends that are gathered around. Better yet, when you first purchase your wine rack why not also go ahead and purchase a couple bottles of your favorite wine. Then you can celebrate that you have been able to install this yourself by popping open one of those bottles and having a drink. Even better you can also invite a few friends over and show off your handywork.

Essential Kitchen Cabinet Hardware - Wineglass Rack
Console Glass Table

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